Digi Device Cloud Smart Energy ConnectPort X2e and ERT Documentation

Table Of Contents

Configuration Reference

Saved Files

Global Saved Files

The gateway stores the following files under /WEB/python/ for persistent configuration and startup behavior. If necessary, these files can be viewed directly using Device Cloud.

File Description

Stores the current state of the registry settings for the gateway. (See registry_configuration)

Each line of the registry file is a single entry formatted as follows where type is int, bool, or str.

Format: registry_name [type registry_value]

If a type and registry_value are not given then the registry entry exists but has no value.

Sample Entry: Cluster.disable_APS_encryption bool False


Stores the 64-bit extended addresses of all known devices. Any device added via the add_device RPC request will be added to this file. If the gateway is in open joining mode, any new devices which become active will also be added to this file. Devices will only be removed from this file via the remove_device RPC request.

This file is primarily used by explicit add mode as a way to remember which devices should be allowed to become active. In open joining mode it only serves to remember which devices have been seen on the network previously.


It is possible to modify this file directly. However, when the gateway is operating as a coordinator, its XBee radio also maintains an internal table of link keys. Adding a device to devices.ini directly does not update the XBee radio’s internal table, meaning the new device may not be able to join. The add_device and remove_device RPC requests update the internal table and should be used normally.

Sample Entry: 00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77


Specifies additional system paths from which modules can be imported. Often these will be zip files. (See add_path and remove_path)

Sample Entry: Custom_Extensions.zip


Specifies additional modules to be imported on startup. As with a python import, do not specify the file extension. (See add_module and remove_module)

Sample Entry: Custom_Interface_Module


Specifies additional interface classes to be instantiated on startup. (See add_interface and remove_interface)

Sample Entry: Custom_Interface_Class


Specifies additional endpoints to be instantiated on startup. Optional parameters default to the defaults of the class. (See add_endpoint and remove_endpoint)

Format: endpoint_class_name endpoint_id [profile_id [device_id [device_version]]]

Sample Entry: SE_EnergyServicePortal 0x5E


Specifies additional clusters to be instantiated on startup. Optional parameters default to the defaults of the class. (See add_cluster and remove_cluster)

Format: cluster_class_name endpoint_id [server_or_client [cluster_id [enable_APS_encryption]]]

Sample Entry: ZCL_Cluster 0x5E Client 0x0201 False

Hidden Saved Files

Certain cluster-specific configurations and XML aliases are stored in subdirectories under /WEB/python/. These files are not intended to be viewed and modified directly during normal operations.

This is the general layout of these directories.

1.5.1 and previous:

  • saved_files
    • endpoint_0x##
      • cluster_0x####_server
        • reporting_configurations: contains ZCL report receiver configurations
        • attributes: contains values of power-safe ZCL attributes
        • SE_events: for SE servers only, contains SE events which have not ended
        • ota_firmware: configuration files for OTA images and uploads
      • cluster_0x####_client

    • shared
      • cluster_0x####_server: contains values of power-safe ZCL attributes for cluster ####, where the attributes are shared by all instances of the cluster on the gateway
    • XML_RPC_Manager_aliases: contains XML aliases (see Alias Parameter Type)

    • XML_RPC_Manager_saved_messages: contains compressed RPC messages when the network connection goes down and “RPC_Manager.store_to_flash_delay” is non-zero (see Registry Settings)

1.6.0 and newer:

  • saved files
    • endpoint_0x##
      • cluster_0x####_server
        • attributes
        • SE_events
        • ota_firmware
      • cluster_0x####_client

    • shared
      • cluster_0x####_server: contains values of power-safe ZCL attributes for cluster ####, where the attributes are shared by all instances of the cluster on the gateway
    • XML_RPC_Manager_aliases: contains XML aliases (see Alias Parameter Type)

    • reporting_configurations: contains saved ZCL reporting configurations

    • buffers: contains any saved data for buffer pools (see Buffer Manager)

Registry Settings

The registry stores configuration parameters for miscellaneous global gateway behaviors. Registry settings can be modified by using the registry_configuration RPC command.

Registry Setting Default Description
Background_Thread.watchdog_alloc 65536

As of 1.4.0: The system must be able to service a request for a contiguous memory chunk of at least this size. Set to 0 to disable allocation check.

As of 1.5.0:Removed (Replaced by watchdog free memory checks).

Background_Thread.watchdog_alloc_interval 30

As of 1.4.0: The watchdog memory allocation check will run every this many seconds.

As of 1.5.0: Removed (Replaced by watchdog free memory checks).

Background_Thread.watchdog_memory 225000

As of 1.5.0: The system must have at least this much free memory. Set to 0 to disable memory check.

As of 1.5.1: Only used on platforms running NDS.

Background_Thread.watchdog_memory_duration 120

As of 1.5.0: The watchdog memory check will reboot when consecutive memory checks trigger for at least this many seconds. Set to 0 to reboot on the first trigger.

As of 1.5.1: Only used on platforms running NDS.

Background_Thread.watchdog_memory_interval 30

As of 1.5.0: The low memory watchdog will run every this many seconds.

As of 1.5.1: Only used on platforms running NDS.

Background_Thread.watchdog_timeout 300 If more than this many seconds have passed since the last watchdog hit, the gateway will be rebooted. Set to 0 to disable watchdog. As of 1.5.1: Only used on platforms running NDS.
Buffer_Manager.max_flash_size X2: 102400 (100kB) Other: 4194304 (4MB) As of 1.6.0: The maximum amount of shared buffer space that can be allocated from flash (in bytes).
Buffer_Manager.max_ram_size X2: 102400 (100kB) Other: 4194304 (4MB) As of 1.6.0: The maximum amount of shared buffer space that can be allocated from RAM (in bytes).
Buffer_Manager.store_to_flash_delay 300 As of 1.6.0: If greater than 0, if a buffer pool has contents older than this many seconds, all of its contents will be saved to flash up to available space.
Cluster.disable_APS_encryption False If True, the APS encryption checks for clusters which normally require encryption will be ignored. For normal operation this should be set to False. Note that changing this value may result in the XBee leaving its current network.
Conversation.TX_status_timeout 10

Before 1.4.0: If a conversation does not receive a TX status message from the XBee within this many seconds, it will stop waiting for a TX status message but will not indicate TX success either.

As of 1.4.0: Removed (Conversation.default_timeout now manages both TX_status and actual response).


Before 1.4.0: 30

As of 1.4.0: 10

For unicast conversations with an expected response message, if that response has not arrived within this many seconds a timeout has occurred. For broadcast conversations, the conversation will automatically terminate after this many seconds.
Endpoint.max_socket_retries 3

Before 1.4.0: The maximum number of times that the ZigBee socket of an endpoint can fail to send a message before the message is dropped.

As of 1.4.0: Removed.

Message_Log.RPC_severity 1 If a message is generated by the gateway with severity of this level or greater, an RPC message will be generated. (0 = Debug, 1 = Warning, 2 = Error)

Before 1.5.0: “device.digi.com”

As of 1.5.0: not specified

Before 1.5.0: The main NTP server that will be used for time synchronization (if NTP synchronization is used). See Time Synchronization.

As of 1.5.0: Deprecated. (NTP synchronization is being transitioned to the operating system, see Time Synchronization).


Before 1.5.0: “pool.ntp.org”

As of 1.5.0: not specified

Before 1.5.0: A backup NTP server that will be used if synchronization with the first server fails. See Time Synchronization.

As of 1.5.0: Deprecated. (NTP synchronization is being transitioned to the operating system, see Time Synchronization).

RPC_Manager.max_buffer_items 250

Before 1.5.0: The maximum number of messages that can be stored in the gateway’s output buffer before older messages are dropped.

As of 1.5.0: Removed. (Replaced with RPC_Manager.max_buffer_length).

RPC_Manager.max_buffer_length 100000

As of 1.5.0: The maximum total number of bytes of all messages in the manager’s output buffer before older messages will be dropped. If 0, there is no limit on buffer length.

As of 1.6.0: Removed. (Replaced with RPC_Manager.output_buffer_priority, which is based on Buffer_Manager.max_flash_size and Buffer_Manager.max_ram_size).

RPC_Manager.max_output_length X2: 102400 (100kB) Other: 4194304 (4MB) As of 1.6.0: The maximum number of bytes of any single pushed message. If a single message exceeds this size it will be subdivided. If push is not being used, this is the maximum size of a get_responses response instead.
RPC_Manager.output_buffer_priority 0 As of 1.6.0: The priority level of the buffer pool used for the RPC Manager’s general output buffer.
RPC_Manager.pushed_file_extension “xml”

Before 1.4.0: If pushing is enabled, this string will be used as the file extension of the pushed file.

As of 1.4.0: Removed.

RPC_Manager.pushed_file_prefix “RPC_Response” If RPC_Manager.use_push is TRUE, this string will be used as the first part of filename for the pushed file.
RPC_Manager.store_to_flash_delay -1

As of 1.5.0: If greater than 0, this is the number of seconds since the last attempted push that messages will start being saved to flash; this state is cleared whenever a push succeeds. If 0, messages will be saved immediately after generation. If less than 0, saving messages to flash will be disabled. No effect if push is not enabled.

As of 1.6.0: Removed. (Replaced with Buffer_Manager.store_to_flash_delay).

RPC_Manager.synchronous_request_timeout 40 The maximum number of seconds that a synchronous request will wait for a response before timing out.

Before 1.4.0: False

As of 1.4.0: True

If True, asynchronous RPC responses will be automatically pushed to Device Cloud. See Automatic Response Pushing. Note: Device Cloud may configure use_push to be True when a gateway first connects to Device Cloud.
SE_Client.active_event_check_interval 0 Every this many seconds, if any SE client cluster does not have an active event, an event request will be sent to the corresponding SE server cluster. If 0, these checks will be disabled.
SE_MessageCluster_Server.cancel_on_confirmation False If True, when a message confirmation is received by the Messaging server, a corresponding cancel event will be sent to all other clients who previously received the event.
SE_Profile.profile_version_1_X 1 As of 1.5.0: The enumerated identifier of the Smart Energy profile version to be used.
SE_Server.event_retransmission_check_interval 300 Every this many seconds, all SE events will be checked to ensure that they have been sent to all active client devices. Any clients which have not yet received some events will be sent those events by the server. If set to 0, these checks will be disabled.
Time_Server.enable_superseding_bit False As of 1.5.0: If True, the superseding bit in time status will be set. Only applies to SE 1.1 and newer networks. Should normally be set to False.
Time_Synchronizer.initial_sync_interval 60 How often the gateway attempts to synchronize its time before a successful synchronization has occurred, in seconds.
Time_Synchronizer.sync_interval 7200 How often the gateway attempts to synchronize its time after a successful synchronization has occurred, in seconds.
Time_Synchronizer.use_NTP_server not specified

Before 1.5.0: If True, or if not specified and the gateway does not have a ZCL time client, the gateway will periodically attempt to synchronize time with an NTP time server. See Time Synchronization.

As of 1.5.0: Removed. (NTP synchronization is being transitioned to the operating system, see Time Synchronization).

Time_Synchronizer.use_ZCL_server not specified If True, or if not specified and the gateway has a ZCL time client, the gateway will periodically attempt to synchronize time with a ZCL time server. See Time Synchronization.
Version.version (variable) As of 1.4.0: The version of the framework as of the most recent execution. For example, 1.4.0 will be set to the string “1.4.0”.
ZCL_Cluster.disable_default_response True If True, the disable default response bit of ZCL messages generated by the gateway will be set to 1. If False the bit will be set to 0.
ZCL_Cluster.ignore_incomplete_records True As of 1.4.0: If TRUE, a received ZCL frame ending with an incomplete record will not be rejected.
ZCL_Endpoint.enable_direction_bit_correction True If True, when a ZCL message is received with the direction bit indicating a destination client or server cluster which the endpoint does not support, the message will instead be routed to the corresponding server or client cluster, respectively, if that cluster exists.
ZDO_Device_Manager.full_refresh_interval 86400 (1 day) How often all ZDO device information for all devices will be queried, even for fully discovered devices, in seconds. See Device Discovery
ZDO_Device_Manager.join_interval 90 For router gateways, the number of seconds between join attempts when the XBee radio is not on a network and is attempting to join. If 0, these join attempts will be disabled.
ZDO_Device_Manager.max_sequential_TX_failures 2 If this many transmission failures to a particular device occur in a row, that device will be marked as inactive. See Device Activity
ZDO_Device_Manager.node_list_refresh_interval 0 How often the underlying NDS node list, which is sometimes needed for detecting end devices, is refreshed, in seconds. Set to 0 to disable.
ZDO_Device_Manager.refresh_interval 120 How often the periodic match descriptor broadcast for device detection is sent, in seconds. See Device Activity
ZDO_Device_Manager.require_explicit_device_add False

Before 1.5.0: If False, remote devices can be added to the local list of devices when they are detected. If not specified, defaults to whether the XBee radio is a coordinator or not. See Explicit Device Add and Open Join

As of 1.5.0: Removed. Behavior is hardcoded to False.

ZigBee_Socket.max_socket_retries 3 As of 1.4.0: The maximum number of times that the ZigBee socket can fail to send a message before the message is dropped.

Before 1.6.0: 0.05

As of 1.6.0:

X2: 0.05

Other: 0.2

The amount of time between ticks of the ZigBee node and RPC manager, in seconds.

As of 1.6.0: Except on the X2, sockets use a longer select time that can be interrupted by a socketpair. This is why the polling can be slower on these platforms.

ERTConnector.ert_update_timeout 1800 If a configured ERT meter has not updated within this time period (seconds) an error will be flagged.